Everyone has a different approach to this problem and categorizes
diseases in different ways. It is important to choose one classification system
and stick with it. What can be confusing about the Nephritic vs Nephrotic
diseases is that there is significant overlap in their presentations, including
the degree of proteinuria seen in disease.
Here is a helpful and simple approach to the problem:
Now I will elaborate on these diseases using the above approach:
1. Immune Complex
(Granular IF)
Pearl: IgA nephropathy
is synpharangyitic (occurs at the time of pharyngitis)
whereas post-strep GN is postpharyngitic (occurs 2
weeks after pharyngitis)
Low Complement
- Post-Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis
- Usually exhibit low amount of urinary protein
- Present with hematuria with or without RBC casts.
- Low C3, Normal C4; ASOT+; Anti-DNAse B+
- Treatment is supportive – usually resolves in 3-4
- Membranoproliferative
o Type I - HCV/HBV/SLE/IE/Cancer/Sjogrens
- C3 may be normal; C4 low
- Cryoglobulinemia
- Type II
o Low C4; C4 normal
- Treatment: Rituximab and cyclophosphamide
- C3 and C4 low
- Class III/IV
- There are 6 stages of Lupus nephritis – Stage III and
IV (focal proliferative and diffuse proliferative) are categorized here.
This stage is treated with steroids, MMF, and cyclophosphamide
- In general, biopsy is indicated in lupus
nephritis when complements are low, active urinary sediment, and with a positive
- All patients should be on ACE inhibitors to target proteinuria of less than 1g per day, and a BP of less than 130/80 and have dyslipidemia management.
- Infective Endocarditis
- Cholesterol Emboli
- Rarely spontaneous, usually
occurs following a procedure manipulating large vessels
- Other manifestations include
purple toe syndrome and livedo reticularis.
Normal Complement
- IgA Nephropathy
- Gross hematuria 1-3 days after URTI.
- First line therapy is non-immunosuppressive
- ACE inhibitors
- +/- fish oils
- Starts systemic steroids if:
- Increasing creatinine (not for stable, elevated
- Protein >1g/day
- Active kidney disease on biopsy
- HSP – Henoch-Schönlein Purpura
- Associated with IgA nephropathy
- Associated with palpable purpuric rash
- May also present with mononeuritis multiplex
- Generally seen in younger patients
- Occurs in older patients as a paraneoplastic syndrome
in MDS
- Treatment generally supportive, may include steroids
2. Anti-GBM (linear IF)
- Presents with RPGN (Rapidly progressive GN)
- 40% of patients have ANCA positivity as well
- Goodpasture’s Disease is the term used when GN is associated with lung hemorrhage – occurs in 50% of patients. Anti-GBM
Disease means there is no lung involvement.
- Treatment:
- Pulse steroids, cyclophosphamide, plasma exchange
- Who to treat:
- All patients with pulmonary hemorrhage
- All patients with kidney involvement who do not
require dialysis
- Selected patients on dialysis: those with lung
involvement or with systemic vasculitis (ANCA)
- Duration depends on disappearance of anti-GBM
- Taper medications over 3-6 months
- Patients on dialysis are often not treated – their
kidneys are too damaged and therapy will not benefit them
3. ANCA (Pauci Immune)
All three of these
diseases affect both the lungs and the kidneys and therefore may present with
hematuria and hemoptysis
- GPA (Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis)
- Anti-PR3
(cANCA) positive
- Present with saddle nose deformities, nasal polyps
- May also have salivary gland involvement
- Treat with pulse steroids, cyclophosphamide, maybe
- EGPA (Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis)
- antiMPO (pANCA) positive
- Also presents with neuropathies and may occur with
- MPA (Microscopic Polyangiitis)
- antiMPO (pANCA) positive
- Open lung biopsy is the best way to diagnose MPA
- Each cause of nephrotic syndrome may be primary or
secondary to an underlying disease process
- Generally, the treatment for these diseases includes
ACE inhibitors/ARBs and treating the underlying cause of the
- If primary disease (and therefore no underlying cause) -
use steroids for treatment.
- Complications:
- Thrombosis – this is due loss of ATIII and Protein C/S
in the urine
- Infection - this is due loss of immunoglobulins in the
urine; leads to infection by encapsulated organisms
- Dyslipidemia – due to overproduction of LDL and VLDL
- Edema – due to low oncotic pressure (loss of protein)
and subsequent activation of the RAAS system
1. Minimal Change
Most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in children
Most cases are idiopathic
causes include NSAIDs, Hodgkins/lymphoproliferative disorders, and leukemias.
2. Focal Segmental
Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)
Most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults
Can be thought of as a more severe form of Minimal
Change Disease
Often asymptomatic
except for hypertension
Secondary causes include
HIV, lupus, sickle cell disease, heroin, urinary reflux, and obesity
FSGS is slowly
Notable variant is HIV
associated nephropathy (HIVAN) – this is a collapsing variant of FSGS. It
is treated with HAART and ACE inhibitors; may transplant
3. Membranous
Second most common cause
of nephrotic syndrome in adults
Most cases are
idiopathic (>80%)
Immune complex mediated
Rule of thirds with
prognosis – one third will resolve, one third will worsen, and one third will
have chronic changes
Treated with ACE
Secondary causes:
Hepatitis B, Hepatitis
C, Syphilis
Malignancy – lung and
Drugs used to treat RA
(Gold, Penicillamine, NSAIDs, etc.)
SLE Stage V. Indications for immune suppression (steroids + cyclophosphamide or cyclosporine):
- Persistent severe and symptomatic
nephrotic syndrome (proteinuria persists >3.5g/d)
- Increased or rising serum creatinine
- Mixed membranous and proliferative
lesions on biopsy
4. Nodular Disease
o Diabetic Nephropathy –
the most common cause for end-stage renal disease and dialysis in North America
o Amyloidosis – In AA
disease (secondary to an inflammatory disorder, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis),
the kidneys are involved in nearly in all patients.
Sorry for the long post. Here's a potato: