Today's case was
interesting and was predominantly related to diagnostic reasoning. The patient is a young woman who
presented with a year-long history of migratory arthritis with effervescent
skin lesions in the area of the arthritis. The affected
joints were asymmetric, and currently involved the ankle and wrist. She denied constitutional symptoms, alopecia,
oral ulcers, photosensitivity, malar or discoid rash, hematuria, family history
of connective tissue disease, or recurrent thrombosis/miscarriages. There was no travel, and no recent infectious
symptoms. There were no
other antecedent new medications, besides hydroxychloriquine having been started a short time prior to presentation. There
was no morning stiffness.
Her bloodwork revealed a microcytic anemia, leukocytosis, and normal
platelet count. Her creatinine was
normal, but her urinalysis showed red cells and protein (microscopic to be
performed). Her ANA was positive at
1:320, and her anti-double stranded DNA was also positive at an outside lab
(albeit not here). Her c-ANCA was also
positive. The rest of the extractable
nuclear antigens were negative. The
effused joints have not been sampled by arthrocentesis yet, and a skin biopsy
is underway for the skin lesions which appear vasculitic.
There were multiple
learning points from this case, and I want to stress that a seemingly complex
case can be broken down into a group of syndromes
such as “polyarthritis” in this case, and worked on from there:
-A polyarthritis
involves a differential diagnosis which includes seropositive and seronegative
entities. From the seropositive standpoint, the common things are systemic
lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, mixed connective tissue disease, and
systemic sclerosis.
-There are several
large groups of seronegative arthropathies, which are more likely to involve
large joints in an asymmetric fashion.
These include inflammatory bowel disease-associated arthritides (usually
flare concurrently with the IBD), ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis,
and reactive arthritis. Finally, adult-onset
Still’s disease would also be considered.
Typical findings would include fever, constitutional symptoms,
lymphadenopathy, sore throat, a ‘salmon pink’ effervescent rash, an elevate
ferritin, and leukocytosis.
-Psoriatic arthritis
has five potential distributions of joint involvement: distal (DIP-predominant)
arthritis, asymmetric oligoarthritis, symmetric polyarthritis
(indistinguishable from rheumatoid arthritis), arthritis mutilans (destructive
and deforming arthritis), and spondyloarthritis. We discussed that the
diagnostic/classification criteria for psoriatic arthritis do not mandate the
presence of psoriatic skin plaques, and that they may only be discovered on a
thorough skin examination after the incident presentation of the arthritis.
-We discussed reactive
arthritis, which really encompasses three different syndromes. The disease can occur following a dysenteric (bloody diarrheal) illness,
following a genitourinary infection typically with Chlamydia or following a Group A streptococcal infection either
through Acute Rheumatic Fever or an
immune complex-mediated process. Seeking
these infectious syndromes is paramount in the diagnostic workup.
-We discussed a number
of viruses that may cause joint symptoms.
While arthralgia (painful
joints) are common in a number of viral infections (think of the last time you
had a URTI!) only a few viruses can cause an arthritis (effused joints, or joints with pain on stress). These include hepatitis viruses (particularly
hepatitis B during immune complex clearance), acute HIV seroconversion illness,
rubella, parvovirus B19 (associated with erythema
infectiosum in children), mumps virus, dengue virus, enterovirus
infections, and chikungunya virus.

-Other infectious
etiologies included bacterial infections such as those occurring with infective
endocarditis. This can manifest either
with multiple septic arthritis events as as embolic phenomena, or with an
immune complex-mediated disease (remember that rheumatoid factor is often
positive in bacterial endocarditis due to immune complexes). Lyme disease could also be considered in this
differential. Both viral and bacterial
causes are less likely to produce a year-long syndrome, making an inflammatory
etiology more likely.
-Always consider
systemic lupus in a woman of this age group.
The lupus classification crtieria include serositis
(pericarditis/pleuritic), oral ulcers, photosensitivity, arthritis, blood
abnormalities (cytopenias), renal disease (six types ranging from nephritic to
nephrotic presentaitons), ANA, other immunological markers such as anti-Smith
and anti-DS-DNA, neurologic disease, and the characteristic rashes.
Further reading:
Dhir, V., &
Aggarwal, A. (2013). Psoriatic arthritis: a critical review. Clinical
reviews in allergy & immunology, 44(2), 141-148.
Edwards, J., Paskins,
Z., & Hassell, A. (2012). The approach to the patient presenting with
multiple joint pain. Age, 15, 49.
Zochling, J., &
Smith, E. U. (2010). Seronegative spondyloarthritis. Best Practice &
Research Clinical Rheumatology, 24(6), 747-756.
Ytterberg, S. R.
(1999). Viral arthritis. Current opinion in rheumatology, 11(4),