Learning points:
We spoke about the
physical examination findings of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism (outside
the thyroid gland itself). The easiest
way is to break them down by body system:
Vital Signs
hypertension, tachycardia, hyperthermia, elevated RR
Hypertension, bradycardia, hypothermia, reduced RR
Velvety, moist, warm,
pretibial myxedema
Cool, dry,
non-pitting myxedema
Palmar erythema,
thyroid acropatchy (clubbing), onycholysis
Yellow discoloration
Thin, soft
Grave (exophthalmos,
proptosis, chemosis, visual loss, restricted EOM), lid lag, stare
Queen Anne sign
(lateral 1/3 of eyebrow missing), periorbital edema
Slow, low mood
flow murmurs from increased output, Heart failure
respiratory rate
Proximal muscle
weakness, brisk reflexes
Proximal muscle
weakness, delayed relaxation of reflexes, proximal muscle weakness
The diagnosis of
hyperthyroidism can usually be made be examining the serum TSH and free thyroid
hormones. Central hyperthyroidism from
something like a TSH-producing pituitary adenoma is very rare, most causes will
give you a low TSH. Grave disease
patients will often have positive Thyroid
Receptor Anitbodies while patients with Hashimoto thyroiditis will often
have positive thyroid peroxidase
antibodies. Thyroglobulin antibodies can also be useful.
If someone has
hyperthyroidism clinically and biochemically, the next step is to consider the
differential diagnosis:
· Central causes – TSH-secreting tumours or
hypothalamic causes
· Primary Thyroid Causes
§ Hashimoto thyroiditis
§ Subacute (viral) thyroiditis
§ Post-partum thyroditis
§ Other thyroid infections
§ Medication-induced thyroiditis (amiodarone)
Thyroid Hormone production
§ Toxic adenoma
§ Toxic multinodular goitre
§ Jodd-Basedow effect of iodine ingestion
§ Medication-induced J-B effect (amiodarone)
§ Grave disease
§ Cross-stimulation by beta-HCG in molar
§ Resistance to feedback of T4/T3 resulting in
inappropriate overproduction
§ Surreptitious thyroxine ingestion
The best way to
differentiate among these etiologies is to do a Radioactive Iodine Uptake and Scan of the thyroid. The result of such as can is the percentage
of iodine that is taken up.
If it is very low
(cold thyroid, less than 1%) then you can assume that some form of thyroiditis
is occurring. If it is very high
diffusely, then depending on whether there is a toxic multinodular goiter or
Grave disease, you may see very high uptakes (>6%). The intermediate range of uptake usually occurs
with adenomas or Jodd-Basedow effect.
Treatment of
hyperthyroidism can be divided into symptomatic management and long-term
management. The first question to talk
is regarding stability as
thyrotoxicosis or thyroid storm
requires different treatment.
Thyroid storm has a
mortality of around 20%, and patients presenting with this should be looked
after in a critical care setting. There
are no accepted diagnostic criteria for thyroid storm. Physicians grade patients with
hyperthyroidism based on the degree of thermoregulatory dysfunction, central
nervous system effects, hepatic/gastrointestinal dysfunction, cardiovascular
dysfunction, and presence or absence of heart failure or a precipitant history
such as parturition or thyroid surgery.
Treatment of thyroid storm involves several facets: non-selective
beta-blockade (propranolol), thionamides such as methimazole or PTU to block
hormone synthesis, steroids to block peripheral hormone conversion, and an
iodine load (Lugol solution) to prevent release of thyroid hormone. Long term management usually involves
radioactive iodine ablation of the thyroid gland, thyroid surgery, or long-term
use of thionamide antithyroid drugs.
In milder cases of
hyperthyroidism like the one presented, beta blockade is usually used for
symptom control. If a subacute
thyroiditis is the likely precipitant, then prednisone at 0.5-1mg/kg for 2-8
weeks is usually required. Depending on
the reason for the hyperthyroidism, thionamides, radioactive iodine, or
surgical removal may be the long-term treatment modality of choice.
Further Reading:
Burch, H. B., &
Wartofsky, L. (1993). Life-threatening thyrotoxicosis. Thyroid storm. Endocrinology
and metabolism clinics of North America, 22(2), 263-277.
Chiha, M.,
Samarasinghe, S., & Kabaker, A. S. (2013). Thyroid Storm An Updated Review.
Journal of intensive care medicine, 0885066613498053.
Franklyn, J. A.
(1994). The management of hyperthyroidism. New England Journal of Medicine,
330(24), 1731-1738.
Image Credit: Alive.com