Friday, April 24, 2009


(hyperthermia can cause rhabdomyolysis)

1. "....What are you lying on? This is a giant question...a maximus question....are you crushed by this?"..... this was in the context of patients found either unconscious or unable to get up for prolonged periods of time. He is referring to rhabdomyolysis. The 'maximus' comment must refer to the gluteus maximus, and the 'are you crushed?'....for sure that is for crush injuries. We discussed rhabdomyolysis here.

2. "...Let's think about cardiac causes of syncope...hey....Adam is here today...". Yep, this is a Stokes-Adams Attack, named after William Stokes and Robert Adams - two Irish physicians.

3. "...Sometimes you have overt alcoholics, then there are social drinkers...I'm thinking of the smallest room in the house..." So what's the smallest room in the house? The closet. He was referring to "closet alcoholics". We discussed alcohol related issues here, seizure disorders here, and toxic alcohol ingestions here.

4. "....Think about Captain Morgan!...". This was said in the context of him shaking his arms and head - convulsing. "Yes...this is a 'Rum Fit'". Also known as an alcohol withdrawal seizure. Remember your CAGE questionnaire to screen for alcohol-related problems:
  • do you feel the need to Cut back your drinking?
  • do you ever feel Annoyed at people critiquing your drinking?
  • do you ever feel Guilty about your alcohol consumption?
  • do you ever have an Eye opener? (Alcohol first thing in the morning)

  • 1 point is given every time your patient answers "yes" to a question. ....then you just add up the points.
  • Most patients with alcohol dependence will have a score of 2 or greater. About 80% of patients without alcoholism will score 0 points.
Here is a paper from JAMA written by local talent on the utility of alcohol screening tools.

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