No, this is not just an infection of children anymore - we are seeing measles more frequently in adults. This is usually in those with no history of primary vaccination.
Classic Measles: there is about a 14 day incubation period where the virus replicates and spreads via lymphatics and hematogenously. Initial symptoms include fever, coryza, conjunctivitis, cough, and general malaise. Koplik's spots may be seen as well - these are small, raised lesions in the buccal mucosa that are whitish or blue in colour (see photo below). These are pathognomonic for measles and can be visualized roughly 2 days prior to the classic rash.
The exanthem of measles typically starts on the face and moves to the trunk and extremities, sparing the hands. It is a blanchable maculopapular rash (see photo above). Patients may start to feel better a couple of days after the rash appears, and the rash typically will start to fade after 4ish days.
Diagnosis: can be confirmed with serology. Send off measles IgM - this should be positive a few days after the exanthem appears. Measles IgG will be detectable two weeks after the exanthem.
What to do? this is a very contagious virus, so patients with suspected measles should be in respiratory isolation and the Infection Control service should be contacted. Treatment revolves mostly around supportive care - fluids, antipyretics, and monitoring for/treating bacterial suprainfections like pneumonia or otitis media. Vitamin A is given to children with measles in countries where vitamin A deficiency is prevalent.
- A neat case and image of Koplik's spots can be found here.
- Check out the epidemiology of measles in North America here.
(Koplik's Spots in the buccal mucosa)

Am Abdul Hakim so joyful giving this testimony of genius herbalist,Dr Moses anabic herbal home whom cured me of liver cancer.i was diagnosed of liver cancer 2years back I tried to cope with the sickness but unfortunately it had gone so bad,I went to so many medical centres I was told to go for a special xray which was computed tomography scan.it's result came out that my liver was rottening and was told that there was no cure,I collapsed there at the centre after getting myself an individual who came for a test after being cured from hiv,then gave me an email address of dr Moses anabic so I contacted him and he assured me of a total cure after three weeks of administering his herbs and I was cured totally.nothing is impossible for God almighty any individual suffering from any illness or virus no matter how bad it may be,don't ever think it's impossible.contact him through his personal email address via MOSESANABIC@GMAIL.COM or write him on WhatsApp with +2348100661264.thank you very much doctor Moses.