Today we discussed some of the physical exam findings of hyperthyroidism and how to diagnose a goiter
A general approach to the examination for hyperthyroidsm with some possible findings
General appearance: restless, anxious, thin
Vitals- tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, wide pulse pressure, fever
lid lag (superior sclera visible as patient looks down),
lid retraction, widened palpebral fissure
Graves' orbitopathy (see below)
CNS- fine tremor with hands outstretched, increased reflexes, proximal muscle weakness
CV- flow murmur
Abdo- increased bowel sounds
Extremities- warm, moist skin, velvety skin, pretibial myxedema (in Graves)
Associations: other autoimmune- e.g. vitiligo, adrenal insufficiency
A word about eye findings in hyperthyroidism
Some eye findings are general to all causes of hyperthyroidism (from increased sympathetic activity), and some are specific to Graves' disease.
-lid lag
-lid retraction
-conjunctival injection
Graves orbitopathy
-EOM involvement
-lid edema
-loss of visual acuity
Evidence for how to diagnose a goiter:
Inspect and palpate
-look for lateral prominence = distance from imaginary line between cricoid and suprasternal notch to surface of thyroid gland
-Categorize as normal or goiter
-Subcategorize as small (1-2x) or large (over 2x) goiter
Ruling out a goiter:
Normal size by palpation (negative R 0.15)
No lateral prominence (NLR 0.41)
“Goiter ruled out” = normal thyroid size or gland not visible with neck fully extended
Ruling in a goiter:
Estimated size by inspection;/palpation
1-2x normal (positive LR 1.9)
over 2x normal (PLR 25)
Lateral prominence 0-2mm (PLR 3.4)
Lateral prominence > 2mm (PLR infinity)
“Goiter ruled in” = large goiter or lateral prominence over 2mm
Click here for link to JAMA Rational Clinical Examination for goiter (unfortunately, a special JAMA subscription is required)
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