Friday, July 15, 2011


AB today was on mesothelioma.

A few points on mesothelioma, with more in NEJM here:
–Malignancy of pleura (<90%) or peritoneum (>10%)
–~90% of patients will have a history of exposure to asbestos, with mean time from exposure to diagnosis ~35y (wide range)

-Usually presents with local pain, cough or dyspnea, and often assocaited with weight loss/fatigue

- Pleural biopsy (VATS or open) is usually definitive, but special stains are required to differentiate from adenocarcinoma

- Despite some advances, including agressive multi-modal therapy (chemo/radical surgery/radiation) and new active agents (pemetrexed), survival is poor with <10% surviving past 2 years.

- Although Canadian and US incidence is dropping (likely due to asbestos regulation), the overall worldwide incidence is increasing- for which Canada is playing no small part (see here).

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